Friday, May 14, 2021

Swerving or Serving?

Drunk and/or Distracted vs Sober and Serving  Text: I Peter 5:5-10

According to the (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration ( NHTSA), in 2018, over 2800 people died and approximately 400,000 were injured by "distracted drivers", that is; drivers who were engaged in other activities while driving.

According to , more than 10,000 lives are lost each year because of  crashes related to drunk driving. That is, driving while impaired by the use of alcohol and/or drugs. Yet, it has been proven that sobriety check points cut down on the number of accidents, at least in the general area of the check point and during the time frame that the check point is active. Even so, check points are only regularly used by a handful of states

I just wonder how many church folk have been injured or killed by distracted "saints". And how many have been wounded, maimed, or cut off/killed on purpose?It is an old quote, but I have heard that "The Christian army is the only one that shoots its own wounded". 

The Church must have check points, i.e. methods of accountability to the standards of faith & the Gospel. Most have standards, but only a small percentage actually have a policy of how to check, evaluate, and maintain the accountability of their ministers and members.  

A few ways to describe a "sober" person; is to say that an individual is not intoxicated, he has an even temper, he has a sound mind, and lives in a defined manner, focused, and stable.  

The Psalmist proclaimed that his heart was fixed/set/steadfast. Psalm 57:7 and Psalm 108:1 And then states in Psalm 112:7 "he shall not be afraid of evil tidings: his heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord."

Acts 3 gives us the account of the lame man at the Gate called Beautiful. Peter and John said to the man, "Look on us'. The lame man had to change his focus if he was to receive a miracle. His original focus was on his need for income. When he looked upon the disciples, his focus shifted to the reality of healing/abundant life.

Church, it is time to regain proper focus. It is time to sober up! We already have what it takes to do this. According to II Timothy 1:7 we have been given a sound mind.  I Peter 4:7  says we are in the end times and we are to be sober and watch in prayer. I Peter 5:8 says we must be sober and vigilant. But, we will not be sober until we release our worries/cares; see full verse of I Peter 5:7 . And in general, we will not release our cares until we are humbled enough to seek help. See I Peter 5:6 

Another example of how God will make you steadfast & sober. He made Ezekiel strong in the face of the hardened audience.  Ezekiel 3:4-9   

And what about the prophet Isaiah? He knew the Lord would always be his help because he was committed to the call of God. Isaiah 50:7

side bar:  I Timothy 1:6 From (love, pure heart, good conscience, & faith) which some having swerved have turned aside unto vain jangling...

Acts 2  These men are not drunk.......     

We can/should be drunk in the Holy Ghost.... yet sober & vigilant 

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