Sunday, May 23, 2021

Can You Hear Me Now?

Ever have the feeling that God is not listening to your prayers? We've all been there. We pray and pray and it seems the heavens are brass. Frustrating, isn't it? So, we try a different approach, a alternate format, or modified version of our request. Or we cry, complain, and quit praying altogether. In essence, we do everything except, patiently wait for His reply. Sometimes that is all that is necessary. Yet, sometimes it is necessary to check our hearts/motives.

I'm sure Alexander Graham Bell tried hundreds of modifications to get his invention to work. He probably said, "can you hear me now", thousands of times before he finally got an answer. One thing is certain, the recipient had to be within reach of the phone in order to hear it and reply. The only way to make or get a call was to be located close to the phone when it rang. 

Technically, that is still true. However, mobile phones have eliminated the need to be where a phone is mounted in a physical structure. One can be anywhere and make or receive a call. Almost anywhere...... there are still "dead spots" and places where calls are "dropped". Generally those limitations have to do with the distance from a tower or the obstructions that exist between the tower and the phone.

I am reminded of an old hymn entitled Royal Telephone Let's look at verses 3 and 4. "Fail to get the answer, Satan's crossed your wire, by some strong delusion, or some base desire; Take away obstructions, God is on the throne. You will get your answer through this royal telephone. (4) If your line is grounded and connection true, has been lost with Jesus, tell you what to do; Prayer and faith and  promise, mend the broken wire, til your soul is burning with the Pentecostal fire."

Romans 8:35-39 states clearly that we can not be separated from God's love. However, I submit to you; we can be separated from His presence. Another saying that I'm fond of using is this: "when you feel far away from God, guess who moved? God is omnipresent, so it had to be you".

In 2002, Verizon came up with a campaign that made them millions. Basically, "the test guy" went from place to place with his cell phone, asking "can you hear me now?". Their competitors were touting great prices for x amount of minutes/data. Verizon capitalized on the fact that a price break was useless if the connection was flawed or non-existent.

No matter how eloquent your prayer, how long, short, lofty, or humble it is, if your heart is cluttered with bitterness, envy, strife, jealousy, a grudge, or any other sin; you are not likely to get the answer for which you have prayed. Sin obstructs the way into God's presence. You will have to repent/seek His forgiveness first, then make your requests known.

God is beckoning us to a closer relationship with Him. He is calling, "can you hear me, now". He is omnipresent (everywhere) and omnipotent (all powerful). Nothing wrong with His signal. He knows where we are at all times (omniscient).

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