Saturday, May 29, 2021

It's Not About the Place, It's About People

Recently, I was talking with a friend about how the Church (at large) has weathered this Covid -19 season and what measures could be taken to restore those that have drifted away from gathering with the saints. We talked about how many have become satisfied with watching online services and have no immediate plans to return to the church buildings. And about others, that have fallen prey to fear, apathy, depression, mediocrity, sloth, and/or any number of temptations that are bound to occur during an extended separation from being in FELLOWSHIP with the Body of Christ.  

The faithful church members have been hindered by the public gathering restrictions. The Easter/Christmas attendees have been excluded from hearing the Gospel. Even the souls that would normally only hear scriptures at a funeral or wedding, have been denied the opportunity of being affected by the Word of God.

Now many of the sanctions are being lifted. Churches are reopening, yet attendance is a fraction of what it once was. What can be done to re-fill the pews? More importantly, how can we re-claim those who have become disconnected during the pandemic? And even more pressing as the return of Christ nears; how can we reach the the back-sliders and those who have never accepted the saving grace of Jesus? 

In reality, the church building is merely a tool to assist "The Church" (believers) in fulfilling her mandate to reach, teach,and equip........ With that; my friends, reaching souls today is no different that it was in Christ's day. We must proclaim the Good News. We must offer what the original disciples offered; hope, healing, & heaven. We must LIVE what we proclaim. And when wayward return, we must extend mercy and forgive them, embrace them, and help them find their place within the Body, again.  And when souls are converted, we must be willing to disciple them/help them to mature in their Christian walk.

So, you see..... if we reach the PEOPLE, the people will re-fill the pews......

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Can You Hear Me Now?

Ever have the feeling that God is not listening to your prayers? We've all been there. We pray and pray and it seems the heavens are brass. Frustrating, isn't it? So, we try a different approach, a alternate format, or modified version of our request. Or we cry, complain, and quit praying altogether. In essence, we do everything except, patiently wait for His reply. Sometimes that is all that is necessary. Yet, sometimes it is necessary to check our hearts/motives.

I'm sure Alexander Graham Bell tried hundreds of modifications to get his invention to work. He probably said, "can you hear me now", thousands of times before he finally got an answer. One thing is certain, the recipient had to be within reach of the phone in order to hear it and reply. The only way to make or get a call was to be located close to the phone when it rang. 

Technically, that is still true. However, mobile phones have eliminated the need to be where a phone is mounted in a physical structure. One can be anywhere and make or receive a call. Almost anywhere...... there are still "dead spots" and places where calls are "dropped". Generally those limitations have to do with the distance from a tower or the obstructions that exist between the tower and the phone.

I am reminded of an old hymn entitled Royal Telephone Let's look at verses 3 and 4. "Fail to get the answer, Satan's crossed your wire, by some strong delusion, or some base desire; Take away obstructions, God is on the throne. You will get your answer through this royal telephone. (4) If your line is grounded and connection true, has been lost with Jesus, tell you what to do; Prayer and faith and  promise, mend the broken wire, til your soul is burning with the Pentecostal fire."

Romans 8:35-39 states clearly that we can not be separated from God's love. However, I submit to you; we can be separated from His presence. Another saying that I'm fond of using is this: "when you feel far away from God, guess who moved? God is omnipresent, so it had to be you".

In 2002, Verizon came up with a campaign that made them millions. Basically, "the test guy" went from place to place with his cell phone, asking "can you hear me now?". Their competitors were touting great prices for x amount of minutes/data. Verizon capitalized on the fact that a price break was useless if the connection was flawed or non-existent.

No matter how eloquent your prayer, how long, short, lofty, or humble it is, if your heart is cluttered with bitterness, envy, strife, jealousy, a grudge, or any other sin; you are not likely to get the answer for which you have prayed. Sin obstructs the way into God's presence. You will have to repent/seek His forgiveness first, then make your requests known.

God is beckoning us to a closer relationship with Him. He is calling, "can you hear me, now". He is omnipresent (everywhere) and omnipotent (all powerful). Nothing wrong with His signal. He knows where we are at all times (omniscient).

Thursday, May 20, 2021

The Dew of God's Mercy

Nebuchadnezzar reached a place in his life where he was no longer the ruler of his kingdom or of his own directives. As the dream went, his kingdom was a tree laid bare & cut down, all except the stump. The stump was then encircled with a band of iron and left open in the field to receive the dew that fell upon the earth. Daniel 4:10-18

You see; even though his kingdom was cut down, there remained hope for its restoration. The stump had no choice in the matter. As the dew & rain fell upon the earth, it fell upon the stump. The stump soaked up the moisture and eventually was revived with new growth. The band around it had kept it from rotting & being absorbed back into the ground. 

Job 14:7-9 sheds light on this process: "For there is hope of a tree, if it be cut down, that it will sprout again, and that the tender branch thereof will not cease. Though the root thereof wax old in the earth, and the stock thereof die in the ground; yet through the scent of water it will bud, and bring forth boughs like a plant." 
It is my prayer that you will never suffer as King Nebuchadnezzar, and that your "kingdom" never be cut down to just a stump. But regardless of what takes place in your life, I believe it is prayer that will be the band that will preserve your "kingdom", your spirit-man. Prayers for mercy, grace, love, and conviction will be instrumental in keeping the rain and dew of heaven, falling upon you.

Friday, May 14, 2021

Swerving or Serving?

Drunk and/or Distracted vs Sober and Serving  Text: I Peter 5:5-10

According to the (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration ( NHTSA), in 2018, over 2800 people died and approximately 400,000 were injured by "distracted drivers", that is; drivers who were engaged in other activities while driving.

According to , more than 10,000 lives are lost each year because of  crashes related to drunk driving. That is, driving while impaired by the use of alcohol and/or drugs. Yet, it has been proven that sobriety check points cut down on the number of accidents, at least in the general area of the check point and during the time frame that the check point is active. Even so, check points are only regularly used by a handful of states

I just wonder how many church folk have been injured or killed by distracted "saints". And how many have been wounded, maimed, or cut off/killed on purpose?It is an old quote, but I have heard that "The Christian army is the only one that shoots its own wounded". 

The Church must have check points, i.e. methods of accountability to the standards of faith & the Gospel. Most have standards, but only a small percentage actually have a policy of how to check, evaluate, and maintain the accountability of their ministers and members.  

A few ways to describe a "sober" person; is to say that an individual is not intoxicated, he has an even temper, he has a sound mind, and lives in a defined manner, focused, and stable.  

The Psalmist proclaimed that his heart was fixed/set/steadfast. Psalm 57:7 and Psalm 108:1 And then states in Psalm 112:7 "he shall not be afraid of evil tidings: his heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord."

Acts 3 gives us the account of the lame man at the Gate called Beautiful. Peter and John said to the man, "Look on us'. The lame man had to change his focus if he was to receive a miracle. His original focus was on his need for income. When he looked upon the disciples, his focus shifted to the reality of healing/abundant life.

Church, it is time to regain proper focus. It is time to sober up! We already have what it takes to do this. According to II Timothy 1:7 we have been given a sound mind.  I Peter 4:7  says we are in the end times and we are to be sober and watch in prayer. I Peter 5:8 says we must be sober and vigilant. But, we will not be sober until we release our worries/cares; see full verse of I Peter 5:7 . And in general, we will not release our cares until we are humbled enough to seek help. See I Peter 5:6 

Another example of how God will make you steadfast & sober. He made Ezekiel strong in the face of the hardened audience.  Ezekiel 3:4-9   

And what about the prophet Isaiah? He knew the Lord would always be his help because he was committed to the call of God. Isaiah 50:7

side bar:  I Timothy 1:6 From (love, pure heart, good conscience, & faith) which some having swerved have turned aside unto vain jangling...

Acts 2  These men are not drunk.......     

We can/should be drunk in the Holy Ghost.... yet sober & vigilant 

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

God Uses the Broken Pieces

God Uses Broken Pieces

Acts 27:14,15 references a horrendous storm. The King James version refers to it as a tempestuous wind. The NIV refers to it as a wind of hurricane force. Euroclydon was not just a passing storm, it was one that could last for days. In this account, its destructive forces battered Paul's ship for fourteen days.

It was so powerful that the ship's crew had to relinquish control of the helm. Then they brought the lifeboat aboard. Additional precautions were taken to keep the ship together. The sails were lowered in efforts to keep them from being driven into the sandbars. And everything that could be thrown overboard was tossed. They lost all hope of being saved.

Everyone that is, except the Apostle Paul. He had received a message from an angel of God. He explained it to the centurion. Their salvation was dependent upon staying with the ship. The storm worsened. Even when daylight came, they could not discern a shoreline. In a last ditch effort to save themselves they hastened the destruction of the ship.

As the ship broke apart, those that could swim headed for the shore. Others clung to the remnants of the boat and floated to safety. Because they stayed with the ship, even the broken pieces, they survived. Not one life was lost.

The storms of our life may range from little sprinkles to devastating typhoons. It is certain that we will try everything in our power to stay intact as we ride through them. At times we may lose our grip. And there may be times that we will feel hopeless. It is in those times that we must seek the Lord, listen to His voice, obey His commands, and trust that He will keep us safe in His care.

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