It's Not About the Place, It's About People
Recently, I was talking with a friend about how the Church (at large) has weathered this Covid -19 season and what measures could be taken to restore those that have drifted away from gathering with the saints. We talked about how many have become satisfied with watching online services and have no immediate plans to return to the church buildings. And about others, that have fallen prey to fear, apathy, depression, mediocrity, sloth, and/or any number of temptations that are bound to occur during an extended separation from being in FELLOWSHIP with the Body of Christ.
The faithful church members have been hindered by the public gathering restrictions. The Easter/Christmas attendees have been excluded from hearing the Gospel. Even the souls that would normally only hear scriptures at a funeral or wedding, have been denied the opportunity of being affected by the Word of God.
Now many of the sanctions are being lifted. Churches are reopening, yet attendance is a fraction of what it once was. What can be done to re-fill the pews? More importantly, how can we re-claim those who have become disconnected during the pandemic? And even more pressing as the return of Christ nears; how can we reach the the back-sliders and those who have never accepted the saving grace of Jesus?
In reality, the church building is merely a tool to assist "The Church" (believers) in fulfilling her mandate to reach, teach,and equip........ With that; my friends, reaching souls today is no different that it was in Christ's day. We must proclaim the Good News. We must offer what the original disciples offered; hope, healing, & heaven. We must LIVE what we proclaim. And when wayward return, we must extend mercy and forgive them, embrace them, and help them find their place within the Body, again. And when souls are converted, we must be willing to disciple them/help them to mature in their Christian walk.
So, you see..... if we reach the PEOPLE, the people will re-fill the pews......