Saturday, April 3, 2021

While They Slept

Every where you look, you see or hear something related to this "holiday" called, Easter. While there is so much wrong with the commercialization of it, there is everything RIGHT about the Bible account of Christ's crucifixion and resurrection. Read about it in Matthew 26, Mark 14, Luke 22, and John chapter 18. These passages are rich with principles that we need to apply to our lives daily. 

One such principle: When Jesus says, "watch & pray", WE NEED TO WATCH & PRAY! The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, & Luke, all record Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, praying three times. All three times, He returns to his closest friends (Peter, James, & John) and finds them sleeping.

When we sleep (I'm talking about spiritually sleeping) , we MISS out on opportunities to labor (bear burdens) with Jesus. We MISS sharing in His sufferings, which causes us to  lack in sharing His glory. We MISS what Christ models as true intercession. 

Not only do we miss out on important things, we open ourselves up to be tempted. When we are spiritually asleep, we let down our guard, we leave the door open, and basically welcome the enemy to come and rob us blind. 

We are truly living in perilous times. We can not survive without the Lord Jesus Christ. We must have the power of the Holy Ghost in order to keep our spirits and minds alert for the devil's attacks as well as prepared for opportunities to labor for the cause of Christ.

As Sunday approaches, we are preparing to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. However, there would be no resurrection with out the cross. My prayer is this, "Lord, help me to crucify my flesh so that I will  live the life that you bought for me on Calvary."

"Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak." Matthew 26:41

Matthew 26, Mark 14, Luke 22, and John 18

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