Friday, April 2, 2021

An Agent of Healing

 Thinking I had given adequate time to the Good Samaritan narrative, I turned my attention to a different thoroughfare; the road to Emmaus. However, that will have to wait; for the Lord has continued to bring the Good Samaritan to my mind/heart.

 "But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was: and when he saw him, he had compassion on him, And went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him." Luke 10:33,34 KJV

In general, wine is a liquid that can be made from most any fruit, but most commonly made from grapes. It is consumed as a beverage, poured on like cleansing agent, applied as an antiseptic, used as a base for an elixir, and in large quantities will dull the senses. Primitive cultures use it medicinally and others serve it with meals as we would serve iced tea. 

From cooking oil to massage oil, olive oil has millions of uses. In biblical times, it was used as fuel for lamps. Today, it can still be found listed as an ingredient in custom made candles. It's consistency makes it an excellent medium for herbal enhanced salves. As for it's fat content, it is considered as a "healthy" fat to be included in our diets. 

Scripture makes no mention of the Good Samaritan going to buy wine and oil. This tells me that he had those items with him for his personal use. Perhaps the wine was to refresh him on his journey or it could have been a part of his "first aid kit". Same could be said of the oil. He may have planned to use it to soothe his sunburned skin or fuel a lamp, once the darkness came. At any rate, it was his and he freely gave it to the wounded traveler.

Giving what we have to help heal another, is what being Christ-like is all about. Material things help. Yet, giving of the spiritual gifts that we possess, will bring eternal benefits. Today, I want to encourage you to stir up the gifts within you. Apply the oil/Balm of Gilead  to the wounded. Proclaim the wine/blood of Jesus as the cure for the sin filled life. Expound upon the scriptures that speak of the "new wine", the Spirit-filled life. Be that Good Samaritan in this world of "priests and levites".


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