Showing posts with label holidays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label holidays. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

No Ban on Christmas, Here

Every Christmas at our hospital, we have a door decorating contest. The theme this year: The Faces of Christmas. This theme was developed in a variety of ways. Some had Christ centered decorations. Others were more commercial. One was dedicated to members of the Armed Forces. A couple were covered with snowflakes, Santa Claus, and snowmen. It was interesting to see how different folks interpreted the theme.

First prize went to the dietary department. Simply decorated with a nativity scene and the words, "Jesus is the reason for the season. Keep Christ in Christmas." Second place went to the HIM bunch. The only words on their door were; "Merry Christmas" with a bold underline on Christ. The rest of the door was decorated with tiny mirrors attached with ribbons. This was to suggest that the faces of Christmas were the faces in the mirrors.

Another door was decorated like a package. The center of the bow was a large picture of the nativity scene. On the ribbon, both horizontal and vertical, they attached pictures of themselves and their families. It was a simple decoration but profound in meaning. Actually, I didn't get their intended meaning at first. Then they told everyone what it was all about.

The ribbon represented the cross. The pictures attached to the cross represented the faces of Christmas, because they were faces of those who had attached themselves to Christ. They received an honorable mention award.

I am thankful that I work in a place that still believes in keeping Christ in Christmas. I trust that you all had a Merry Christmas day and will continue to keep the spirit of Christmas all year through.

P.S. Not a one had pictures of the Grinch or Ebeneezer Scrooge. Both of which are Christmas success stories and could have easily took their place in the faces of Christmas contest.

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