Many times we enter into the presence of the King with little worship and many petitions. There following are three things that we can glean from the Magi who visited Jesus.
1. When they found Him, they were HUMBLE. They bowed in worship. They put their own status aside to honor His.
2. They were TRANSPARENT. They opened their treasure boxes/chests. That is, they revealed what they held in high regard.
3. They were GENEROUS. They gave gifts. They relinquished things that they had treasured up for themselves.
Isaiah 9: 6 - 7
Matthew 2:1 - 11 TEXT: vs 11 "On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh."
God will lead those who desire to be led. God provided the star & the message. They that hunger & thirst shall be filled. Mt 2: 12 God will protect those who have revealed their vulnerabilities.
What adult would humble himself to a child? One that has been touched by God to recognize the power and potential in that child. One that believes there is a connection between their future and that child.
Humans are designed with a void that can only be filled by Jesus Christ. Yet, people will look everywhere else to all sorts of things, trying to find something to appease that longing in their hearts.
People want to come to church and have a feel good time, but don't want anyone to see their deepest hurt/pain. They play the game to conceal their true identity. They don't even want to open their wallets.
The Magi left Arabia with a load of presents. They came prepared to worship. They believed the prophecy. They followed the star. When they opened their treasure boxes, the contents were obvious. But the treasures were not for show. They were brought to be given as gifts to the Christ child.
We must come humbly. Not with our own agenda..... We must come prepared to open our treasure boxes. Treasures, the things that we hold close to us. Children, spouse, wealth, sickness, habit, hang up, grudge, & etc. We must release our treasures to fully receive "THE TREASURE".
They came prepared to GIVE/WORSHIP because they BELIEVED. Do you believe? Do you believe enough to make preparations to worship? Enough to humbly reveal your dependency on Him? Enough to give Him your all?