A Goad for this Ox
I guess I can be too particular about how I want a post to unfold. I have been working for days on a post related to the oxen. It is easier for me to jot a few notes on an index card,step behind the lectern, and let it fly. All the more reason to blog, I guess. The goad will do me good if I yield to it.
Then again; I begin on one subject and realize that it can't be properly covered without covering other subtopics. Next thing I know I have one of those involved posts that require too much time for the average surfer to read. Just excuses. I know I can just break it down into a series of shorter posts. That would probably be better anyway. I can write all I want while my mind is on the subject, then post at regular intervals.
A confession is in order here. Actually, the ease of discovering and reading blogs requires so much less concentration than writing them. There's so much good material out there. I am drawn to the blogs of ministers and theologians. I also enjoy learning about widgets, templates, and HTML. Even writing about needing to write seems to be a deterrent to fulfilling the purpose of this blog.
"But what I’m discovering, contrary to the pervasive wisdom of educating oneself, makes me wonder if this information deluge might be hindering the discipleship process God created rather than boosting it." writes Dan of Cerulean Sanctum. He also has a lot of excellent feedback in the comment section.
What really applies here is that old saying about too much of a good thing.
Isn't that just how the enemy works? He substitutes good things for the best things. He offers excuses in place of the truth. My how he transforms himself into an angel of light!
Even as I write about the enemy, I am reminded of the Victor. He said to Paul on the road to Damascus, " It is hard for you to kick against the pricks". I haven't ever run from my calling and I'm not going to now. I will yield to the goad. Tomorrow is a new day and a new effort.