Showing posts with label Acts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Acts. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Boards of Salvation

                                  Stay with the ship even when it is torn all to pieces. 

Last week's post came on the heels of a trio of tornadoes. Thank God we have been storm-free since then. Cleanup efforts are well underway. People from nearby states have joined the locals in demolition and repairs. It is a beautiful thing to see a community working together to find housing for those who have been displaced.

Acts 27:14,15 references a similar storm. The King James version refers to it as a tempestuous wind. The NIV refers to it as a wind of hurricane force. Euroclydon was not just a passing storm, it was one that could last for days. In this account, its destructive forces battered Paul's ship for fourteen days.

It was so powerful that the ship's crew had to relinquish control of the helm. Then they brought the lifeboat aboard. Additional precautions were taken to keep the ship together. The sails were lowered in efforts to keep them from being driven into the sandbars. And everything that could be thrown overboard was tossed. They lost all hope of being saved.

Everyone that is, except the Apostle Paul. He had received a message from an angel of God. He explained it to the centurion. Their salvation was dependant upon staying with the ship. The storm worsened. Even when daylight came, they could not discern a shoreline. In a last ditch effort to save themselves they hastened the destruction of the ship.

As the ship broke apart, those that could swim headed for the shore. Others clung to the remnants of the boat and floated to safety. Because they stayed with the ship, even the broken pieces, they survived. Not one life was lost.

The storms of our life may range from little sprinkles to devastating typhoons. It is certain that we will try everything in our power to stay intact as we ride through them. At times we may lose our grip. And there may be times that we will feel hopeless. It is in those times that we must seek the Lord, listen to His voice, obey His commands, and trust that He will keep us safe in His care.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

A Deliberate Call

The book of Acts is one of my favorites. It is rich in historical data, sets forth the foundation of the New Testament Church, chronicles the exploits of the Apostles, and provides an overview of the life of Paul. For today's post, I want to use a portion of chapter 26; copied here from the KJV. Follow this link for the entire chapter.

16But rise, and stand upon thy feet: for I have appeared unto thee for this purpose, to make thee a minister and a witness both of these things which thou hast seen, and of those things in the which I will appear unto thee;
17Delivering thee from the people, and from the Gentiles, unto whom now I send thee,
18To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me.

Here Paul recounts the words previously recorded in Acts 9:3-6 then elaborates a bit more on the message from Christ in verses 16 - 18. For our study today; I want to glean from the text some reasons Christ makes Himself known to us. Why He takes us out of the world just to send us back unto it.

  1. to make us His ministers/servants
  2. to make us testimonials/witnesses of His power/acts
  3. to use us as His heralds of the revelations He will show us
  4. to enable us to enlighten others; to be guides
  5. to aid us in turning others from darkness into light; to be reflections of the Light
  6. to use us to loose those who are bound by satan; to be agents of deliverance
  7. to use us to teach sinners what is required to be forgiven; to be teachers
  8. and to show them how to lay claim to what belongs to the sanctified; to be models

No different than Paul; we all are called and empowered to be His witnesses. We must declare the same message as Paul, as we minister to the world .

Also worth mentioning: We must be knocked off of our "high horse"of sinfulness before we can be of use to the Lord. Secondly, we have to stand up/become attentive in order to receive instructions for salvation and ministry. We can't work in the Kingdom lying down!

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